Samuel Groves Warranty / Guarantee | DeliverDeli

Samuel Groves Warranty / Guarantee

Samuel Groves offers a lifetime warranty for manufacturer’s defects. The company will replace any item with the same or similar item, if the item fails during use. This warranty is not valid for commercial use.

If your product covered by this warranty fails due to a manufacturing defect Samuel Groves will repair it without charge, or replace it, at their discretion. Only original, unaltered and unmodified items and workmanship are covered.

This warranty does not cover damage caused by accident, improper care, negligence, normal wear and tear, or the natural breakdown of colours and materials over extended time and use. Damage not covered under warranty may be repaired for a reasonable rate and a fee will be charged for return shipping.

In order to keep your pans in the best condition and under warranty follow Samuel Groves use & care recommendations.

To register your product, you will need to complete the product registration form found here:

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