Sekowa Special Baking Ferment

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£6.79 Exc. Tax

Sekowa Spezial Backferment a suitable alternative to fresh or dried yeast. It’s a popular honey-based baking ferment, used typically in bread baking.

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This is a popular bread proving agent and used as an alternative to simple instant and fresh yeast. It is however formulated from natural yeasts, in combination with enzymes derived from organic wheat, corn and pea flour and honey.

Sekowa Spezial Baking Ferment is made in Germany, where it is particularly popular for use in a bread starter. In bread, it typically produces a long-lasting crumb, like a sourdough bread, but with a milder taste.

Additional information

Weight 0.356 kg
Dimensions 10 × 5 × 1 cm



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Sekowa Special Baking Ferment

£6.79 Exc. Tax

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