Sourdough Pizza Dough Recipe | DeliverDeli

Sourdough Pizza Dough Recipe

Starter: White
Makes 2 x 30cm pizzas > Hydration 63%
DDT: 24°C
For The Dough
100g bubbly, lively second-build starter
300g water at 22°C (71°F)
400g ‘00’ flour
100g stoneground wholegrain flour
10g fine sea salt
2 tablespoons olive oil, plus extra for oiling your hands
20g finely ground polenta for dusting the peel
For the topping:
200g mozzarella cheese
280g tomato pizza sauce
any other toppings of your choice
fresh herbs, to serveEquipment
Mixing bowl
Tea towel
Dough scraper
Baking steel
Pizza peel



Night Before

Mix together sea salt (10g) and water (300g).

Add the starter (100g), 00 flour (400g), wholegrain flour (100g) and olive oil (2 tablespoons) ensuring all flour is mixed well. Cover with a damp tea towel and rest for 1 hour.

To ensure the dough does not stick to your fingers, lightly oil your hands. Knead the dough well for a 10 minutes.

Create 1 dough ball from the mix, place in an oiled bowl and cover with a damp cloth. Leave the dough mixture to prove overnight at room temperature.


Morning of the bake

Flour a surface before placing out the dough ball. Using a scraper or bench knife, split the dough into two equal portions. In a folding motion, shape the dough into balls. Pinch at the bottom to seal the balls.

Cover the dough balls with a damp cloth and and leave to prove for another 1 hours.

The dough should be at room temperature when you would like to bake. If you would like to add them to the fridge at this stage, ensure you take them out at least one hour before baking later.



Place a baking steel or pizza stone on the top shelf of your oven and preheat to the highest temperature. Our pizza steel take about 30 minutes to heat up sufficiently.

Flatten out the dough balls using your finger tips. Continue to stretch the dough as you like until the dough is about 4-5mm. You could use a rolling pin, but it’s likely to push out some of the air pockets.

Place your pizza dough base onto a peel. If you don’t have a peel, use some greased parchment paper. This will allow you to transfer the pizza to the oven.

Evenly spread you tomato or marinara sauce over the base. In true Napoli style, apply it sparingly – almost like butter.

Apply the toppings of your choice. We like to apply mozzarella, basil leaves, Parmesan and a drizzle of olive oil.

Using your pizza peel, carefully move the uncooked pizza to the baking steel or pizza stone.

By this time, the baking steel should be very hot and the pizza should cook quickly in around 10 minutes.

When you’re happy with how the pizza is baked, remove from the oven carefully and leave for a minute on a cooling rack before serving.

Sourdough Hydration Calculator Buy a Sourdough Starter Sourdough Recipes

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