The Perfect Pizza Dough | DeliverDeli

The Perfect Pizza Dough

Makes: 2 Large Pizza Bases

500g of Strong White Flour (12% protein content or higher)
1 teaspoon of salt
7g of instant dried yeast
225ml of warm water

Pizza Stone or Baking Steel
Brod and Taylor Folding Proofer

This is a delicious pizza dough recipe. Fantastic for wowing dinner guests or a summer snack.

Into your bowl, place 500g of strong white flour along with 1 teaspoon of salt. Mix in 7g of instant dried yeast. Then add 325 ml of warm water.

Mix the mixture in the bowl with a spoon until the dough has started to form and loosely hold together.

Shake out some flour onto a work surface and place the dough onto this. Begin to work the dough together with your hands. A traditional kneading motion is to pull, stretch the dough and then fold back on itself. Continue this and finally roll the dough into a rough ball shape.

Flour the surface again and place the dough onto it. Using a knife, cut the dough into four equal parts. You now have two roughly sized 150g portions of pizza dough.

Now to prove the pizza dough.

Flour a tray with semolina or breadcrumbs and place the two dough balls onto this, leaving some room between them. The yeast is alive and as soon as it comes into contact with water it will begin to move. As it moves, It feeds off the flour, creating bubbles and pockets. During the proving process, the dough can double in size. Following this fermentation, the yeast relaxes and produces the elasticity consistency that we associate with pizza dough.

Cover the 4 dough balls with a sprinkling of flour. Place a damp cloth over the top. The dough needs to prove for two hours in a warm place.

Can you freeze pizza dough?

The great answer is yes you can. The round dough balls are much more shapely to store conveniently.
It’s recommended to rub the dough with oil and place in an airtight container of bag. When you’re ready to cook, defrost the dough in a fridge over 8 to 12 hours.

Our pizza steel is ideal for baking pizza fast.

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