White Bread Loaf Recipe | DeliverDeli

White Bread Loaf Recipe

A recipe for a tasty and simple white loaf.

Makes 820g dough.




Start by adding flour, yeast, and salt to a mixing bowl.

Lightly stir the dry parts together using fingers or spoon.

Make a well in the centre of the mix and fill the void with water. Gradually mix the surrounding dry mix. Use all the water.

The complete mix should now resemble a wet and workable dough ready for kneading.

Take the dough from the bowl and place onto a floured surface. Knead the mixture for 10 minutes, or until it becomes smooth and consistent. Avoid finger poking and utilise your palms and knuckles.

The kneading process can be done with a dough mixer, but use a slow setting for this.

Oil a bowl, place in your dough and cover with a damp cloth or cling film. You could use a specialist proofer for this task a control the proof more precisely. Leave the dough in a humid and warm environment until it’s doubled in size (1-3 hours).

Carefully remove the dough from the bowl. Make sure you don’t deflate the dough.

Shape your dough into a rough rectangle shape befitting of a 900g bread tin. Use a gentle turning motion to preserve air traps. Place the dough in a greased tin, cover and leave to prove again for 30 minutes. The final proofing stage will see the dough take on the shape of the tin.

Finally, dust the top with flour and slash the top with a knife for decorative protrusions.

Place into a preheated oven (220 degrees) and bake for 15 minutes.

After 15 minutes, reduce the heat and bake for 30 minutes more (190 degrees).

Leave on a wire rack to cool.

Freeze up to 1 month or eat within 3 days.

White Bread Loaf - sliced

If you need to change the bread dough weight, remember to use our bread dough calculator. It’s easy!

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